Jockey Box Tapping Kits

If you take jockey box coolers seriously and want to take your jockey box game to the next level, then what you need is a nice jockey box kit.

Jockey box kits are essentially sets of various parts and components that you may use to:

  • safely and securely connect various components of the system to each other
  • upgrade or modify your current cold plate jockey box using a DIY jockey box kit
  • convert a regular picnic cooler into a real, beer-dispensing jockey box unit using a jockey box conversion kit

Needless to say, this will require some DIY skills and careful approach but it’s ultimately worth it.

Why Do You Need a Jockey Box Kit?

Pre-assembled kits rarely surprise anyone and might not meet your exact requirements. Using a keg jockey box kit will allow you to unleash your creativity and build the jockey box that’s right for you.

Plus, sometimes you just need a little upgrade (like swapping a faucet or coils), and buying a new jockey box is certainly not worth it. That’s when our jockey box coil kit might come in handy - you only get what you really need to have.

Finally, sometimes converting a regular picnic cooler into a full-fledged jockey box cooler is a great idea since it allows you to save some money and build exactly what you have in mind.

Feel free to browse our wide selection of jockey box kits for sale - depending on your requirements, you can get a jockey box kit featuring up to 5 lines with everything you need to connect your jockey box to your keg.

For more information on the contents of the kit, please click on the image to view the full description on the product page.

Need Help? Contact Us!

If you haven’t found what you’re looking for or if you’re not sure which jockey box complete kit is right for you, please contact us via live chat, email ➔ or phone - we’ll be there in an instant to provide you with professional consult and assistance.